Anyone out there not into meat? Or anyone not eating meat on Fridays because lent? I have been married for 3 years now, and for about the last 5 years I have been going meat free on Fridays during lent with Chris. I like to support him, what can I say?
I used to be a lazy cook and stick with spaghetti with marinara sauce, ravioli, grilled cheese, mac & cheese.... and rotate. Since discovering that I really do enjoy cooking, I have decided to vamp up what I make on these Fridays. We have had three meatless Fridays now this year. The first one I made ravioli (I was too tired that Friday to do anything else), Pizza, and this past Friday I made Gnocchi.
I really do enjoy Gnocchi, but no way am I awesome enough (or patient enough) to make it homemade. This is a really easy recipe from non other than Iowa Girl Eats and is really easy to make. It probably look about 20 minutes, which most of that was waiting for the water to boil. It is Crispy Gnocchi with Tomatoes and Mozzarella.
Unfortunately I didn't think about it and take pictures... Oops. But here is the direct link to the recipe on Iowa Girl Eats: Crispy Gnocchi . This coming Friday we will be packing up and getting ready for vacation, so we will be eating out. Not sure where yet... I eat fish, but Chris doesn't. So that limits where we can eat out on Fridays.
Do enjoy :)
[This weekend I also made some Twix Brownies.... recipe and pictures to come :)]
Sarah, how on earth did you get your "follow by email" to work at the bottom? Mine was crazy and gives me errors saying my something-or-other "too big". So I gave up. Did you add yours on the blogger template under add a gadget?