Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fairly Cliche New Years Goal

So I decided this year to make a New Year's resolution.  I don't usually do this because I guess I have never had one in mind that I definitely want to stick to.  Well, I've got one this year!

Chris and I are going to Mexico over Spring Break and I couldn't be more excited... minus the swim suit part of it.  I've become a little self conscious in that area.  Now, I don't need to be one of those that needs to feel sorry for myself because I don't.  With the new year here and a trip to Mexico coming up I decided it was time to start thinking about what I eat and how much I work out.  This is more of a goal to feel better about myself, and less about losing weight.

(PS... that is our resort right on the tip of the peninsula!!!)

One thing I love to do is workout and get a good sweat going.  So, it's not like I'm a newby at the gym like 90% of the people right now.  Have I told you how much I HATE the gym this time of the year?  Ugh, I can't stand all the people who decided they need to use the gym all of a sudden and they will stop in March or April.  Ok, yes I am making a sort of resolution just like these people.  However, I religiously go to the gym so this isn't anything new for me.

ANYWAY, Here is what I decided for the new year:

  • I need to workout more...my plan is 5 days a week of cardio, and one day a week of Yoga
  • I need to get better about what I eat and how much I eat!
Easy enough right?  Well, so far it's going great!  I'm getting better about portion control and minus the flu holding me back a little, I'm working out.  Now I just need to keep it up.  I do after school assistance twice a week which gets me home at about 6pm... no way do I want to workout then.  Thanks to pinterest, they do have short workouts that you can do at home and they are whole body workouts.  Also we have a spin bike in our basement I will try to use more.  Any other at home workout ideas?  Ideas welcome!

Now for eating, I just need to work on portion control.  I think we all know how the holidays go.... and I got an over abundance of sweat treats from my students.  Luckily I have hidden them all in the cubbard because Chris did not want me throwing anything away.  I tried to convince him to take the stuff to work, but he says he has plenty there. Well, out of sight, out of mind... right?  I am also only allowing myself one sweat treat after lunch (yes, I have candy in my desk...) and one sweat treat after dinner.  That's much better than my constant grazing after dinner on sweats.

I am hoping I can keep this up because I just want to feel better.... I am NOT setting a goal to lose weight or start something new.  I just want to keep doing what I'm doing with working out, but do so more often.  And I want to think a little more about what I eat.  Teaching is stressful, and I have caught myself stress eating plenty in the afternoons.  No more of that!

In other good news... today was our 3 year wedding anniversary!  Can't believe it's been that long so far.  It's gone so fast and it's been the best years of my life.  I married my best friend and I couldn't be happier :)  

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